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Massage in Belgrade

You are located in Belgrade, Serbia and you need a lot of relaxation for your whole body and mind. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place. Our offer is the best massage therapists in this region. Our massages are only tailored to fit your needs.

Relieve stress and anxiety

Sign up for a massage can help to reduce the amount of stress you are feeling.

Reduce muscle tension

Massage can help with conditioning, range of motion, flexibility and recovery from muscle injuries.

Belgrade massage
Relieve lower back pain

Massage therapy can be effective in decreasing pain in your lower back.

Boost your immunity

Swedish researcher has indicated that a massage may help boost your immunity.

Massage from the very beginning

Massage is the first and oldest form of treatment with the help of touch. And the very origin of the name "massage" is linked to the Arabic word "massa", which means touch. There is a belief that the word "massage" actually comes from the Latin word "massare" which means to knead.
Massage developed, changed, improved and today we have different types of professional massages.
In historical writings, you can find different versions of the story of the origin of massage, but each of them has one thing in its essence - massage had a healing character since its appearance.
It is believed that massage originated in the Chinese tradition, because massage as a method of healing with the help of touch was first mentioned in Chinese medical writings almost 5,000 years ago.
The importance of massage in treatment was emphasized by the father of medicine himself, Hippocrates. Therapeutic massage was first introduced by Herodonas, a student of Hippocrates, to treat various strains.
From ancient Greece, massage was transferred to ancient Rome. In ancient Rome, massage was used for medical and sports purposes, as well as in everyday life. In the 2nd century BC, Galen wrote several books related to massage and its application.
Traces of the first massages can be found written down by the Chinese and Hindus as far back as 3,000 years before Christ. The book was called Nei Jing and contained the earliest Chinese ideas about massage. She used massage to relieve the pain caused by hard physical work. The development of massage in ancient China took place in parallel with the development of medicine, which, in addition to drugs and medicinal herbs, also applied acupuncture.
The Japanese, under the influence of Chinese acupuncture, over time developed a similar method - shiatzu (shi = finger, atzu = pressure), with which they performed a certain form of acupuncture in a special way, by pressing fingers and nails. The Indian book Ayurveda, written 1800 years before Christ, describes massage as rubbing and shampooing which they recommend for healing the body.
Egyptian, Persian and Mesopotamian books mention the benefits of the massage.
The Russian doctor of medicine Isidora Zabludovsky (1850-1906), who conducted research on the application and effect of massage, is considered the founder of modern therapeutic massage.
In the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to the holistic and intuitive technique of massage - connecting the mind, body and spirit, massage became a powerful agent for personal change in health.
Today, an unofficial division of massages has been established, so there are:
• Sports massage that achieves better circulation and resolves muscle inflammation in athletes
• Therapeutic massage that acts on a specific health problem
• Relax massage that relaxes the muscles and the whole body
• Partial massage focusing on a specific part of the body (hands, feet, neck, back...)

Hand (manual) massages are performed using natural scented oils that penetrate the skin and then spread through the bloodstream, thus increasing circulation, relaxing the body and freeing it from toxins.
Each of the above-mentioned massages has developed its own specific types. Today, there are massages that are created for the purpose of solving a specific, clearly defined health problem or condition.
It is interesting that various scientific researches are still being conducted on the effects and possibilities of massage, and we are constantly learning that the effects of massage are more powerful than previously thought. In the European Patent Office, there are about 45,000 registered patents related to massage alone.
Most people know massage as a form of body and mind relaxation. However, massage can greatly help in healing, both physically and mentally.
Massage is recommended as the most natural, but also the most pleasant form of relaxation and stress reduction. The amount of stress that modern man struggles with has increased to such an extent that doctors warn and prove in different ways that stress is the cause of numerous serious illnesses. That is why it is recommended to practice massage at regular intervals, because it has been proven to reduce cortisol - the stress hormone.
Massage achieves deep relaxation and relaxation of the body and mind.
Massage can help with insomnia or poor sleep quality. Certain massage movements activate receptors that send a signal to the nervous system that it is time to relax.
Frequent headaches, stiffness in the neck area can also be treated with the help of adequate massage techniques. The benefits of massages are numerous, but lately scientific work, which proved the positive effect of massage on strengthening the immune system, has been highlighted more and more. A strong defense system of the body is the basis of health.
Massage improves circulation, flexibility and muscle mobility. A proper massage helps the body get rid of excess fluid from the body, accelerates metabolism, and promotes the elimination of toxins.
It is believed that one hour of massage has the same effect on the body as 6-7 hours of quality sleep.
One thing is certain - massage in a natural way harmonizes the work of the whole organism, awakens a feeling of pleasantness and relief.
When it comes to Serbia, the largest number of professional massage centers can be found in Belgrade. The first massage centers were opened in the very heart of the city and, thanks to many years of experience, they are today the best centers in Serbia. Belgrade can boast of massage centers that keep pace with the latest world trends. The high quality of this service is confirmed by the numerous tourists who put going for a massage at the top of their list of priorities upon arrival in Belgrade.
Massage has become part of the modern man's lifestyle, because it allows him to separate himself from everyday life, and rest his soul and body in peace and quiet. In addition, more and more doctors consider regular massage to be a necessary habit of a modern man who takes care of his health.
Enjoying and doing something very useful for your mental and physical health...that's it - her majesty - a massage.

10 Benefits of
Massage Therapy

Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient peoples – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments.

What types of massages I can try in Belgrade?

  • Relax massage
  • Anti-celulite massage
  • Sports massage
  • Foot massage
  • Detox or SPA massage
  • Anti-stress massage
  • Hot stone massage
  • Head and face massage
  • Ayurvedic massage
  • Therapeutic back massage
  • Fitness massage
  • Yoga massage